你可以在这里看到一个示例(在主页上): http : //mysampleconcept.com/situs4/
这里也使用相同的插件: http : //mysampleconcept.com/situs3/ ; 但是,调整大小的方式不同,因此图像不会超出比例。
我已经尝试将图像宽度和高度设置为100% !important在我的CSS中100% !important但它没有帮助。
I'm using a jQuery plugin called Supersized to display images in full screen.
You can see a sample here (on homepage): http://mysampleconcept.com/situs4/
If you try to shrink the screen, you will notice that the image will resize too, however it may shrink too much that the image will look bad.
The same plugin is used here as well: http://mysampleconcept.com/situs3/; however, the resizing is done differently so the image doesn't go out of proportions.
I have tried to compare the plugins settings on both sites and they both seem to be similar.
I have tried setting the image width and height to 100% !important in my css and it didn't help.
Any suggestion on how to achieve the same behavior?
img { max-width: 100%; }超大官方有一个解决方案,文件“supersized.3.2.7.js”: https : //github.com/buildinternet/supersized/issues/103
#supersized img { max-width: none; }这个棘手的问题是http://blog.valderama.net/node/30
The issue is from the common css that does your image all base on "max-width:100%".
Check your css reset if there is something like
img { max-width: 100%; }The supersized official has a solution for the file "supersized.3.2.7.js": https://github.com/buildinternet/supersized/issues/103
If you can not solve it by following the official solution, try only add this in your supersized css:
#supersized img { max-width: none; }this tricky is by http://blog.valderama.net/node/30
图像,image,situs,http,电脑培训,计算机培训,IT培训"/> <meta name="descripti