Riotjs嵌套标签选项未定义(Riotjs nested tags options are undefined)



<comment-list> <div each={com in comments} > <comment level={opts.level} comment={com} type={opts.level == 0 ? "parent" : "child"} ctype={commentType}></comment> </div> <div show={opts.level == 0}> <a id="load-trigger" onclick={fetchMore}>Moar comments</a> </div> var self = this; self.commentType = (self.opts.level === 0 ? "parent" : "child"); </comment-list>


<comment> ... some html ... <div class="row" if={opts.level == 0}> <div class="col s11 offset-s1 m11 offset-m1 l11 offset-l1" style="padding-left: 0;"> <comment-list level={1} fetchMore={fetchMore}></comment-list> </div> </div> </comment>

comment-list.tag初始化为level = 0.它应该将此级别值传递给comment.tag 。 问题是当我尝试访问comment.tag中的 opts.level时,我得到'undefined'。 同样适用于ctype类型始终是“子”,就好像comment-list.tag中的opts.level没有被定义一样。


I am using riotjs library and have two tags "comment-list" and "comment".

comment-list :

<comment-list> <div each={com in comments} > <comment level={opts.level} comment={com} type={opts.level == 0 ? "parent" : "child"} ctype={commentType}></comment> </div> <div show={opts.level == 0}> <a id="load-trigger" onclick={fetchMore}>Moar comments</a> </div> var self = this; self.commentType = (self.opts.level === 0 ? "parent" : "child"); </comment-list>

and comment :

<comment> ... some html ... <div class="row" if={opts.level == 0}> <div class="col s11 offset-s1 m11 offset-m1 l11 offset-l1" style="padding-left: 0;"> <comment-list level={1} fetchMore={fetchMore}></comment-list> </div> </div> </comment>

comment-list.tag is initialized with level = 0. It is supposed to pass this level value to comment.tag. Problem is when I try to access opts.level in comment.tag, I get 'undefined'. Same goes for ctype. type is always "child" as if opts.level in comment-list.tag wasn't defined.

Ps: I don't think it might be due to 0 in comment-list being considered as null or 'undefined' as I have the same behavior with value 1 for instance Do I do someting wrong passing a value straight from the opts object ?




所以你的<comment-list>是你当前的范围,你的each={com in comments}创建一个子范围。 您的opts.level属于当前/父级,而不属于已迭代的单个范围。


The each creates a child scope so you need to look at the parent.

Change {opts.level} to {parent.opts.level}

So your <comment-list> is your current scope, and your each={com in comments} creates a child scope. Your opts.level belongs to the current/parent, not to the individual scope that's been iterated.

Here's the github issue i raised earlier this year for this exact question.
