在R中将大量数据馈入神经网络功能(Feeding large amounts of data into neuralnet function in R)


如果有一个带有colnames(df) = "one","two","three"..."one hundred"的数据帧


nn <- neuralnet(one~two+three+four+five+six+seven+eight...+one hundred, data=df, err.fct = 'sse', linear.output = F, likelihood=T)



nn <- neuralnet(one~as.factor(paste(names(df)[-1], collapse="+")) data=df, err.fct = 'sse', linear.output = F, likelihood=T)


Error in model.frame.default(formula.reverse, data) : variable lengths differ (found for 'as.factor(paste(names(df)[-1], collapse="+"))')

How would one feed say, 100 different cases into the neuralnet() function found in the neuralnet package without maunally inputting them.

If there is a dataframe with colnames(df) = "one","two","three"..."one hundred"

and I want to use each column as an input into a neural network, is there a way to apply the neuralnet function as such:

nn <- neuralnet(one~two+three+four+five+six+seven+eight...+one hundred, data=df, err.fct = 'sse', linear.output = F, likelihood=T)

without actually typing all one hundred colnames.

I have tried inputting:

nn <- neuralnet(one~as.factor(paste(names(df)[-1], collapse="+")) data=df, err.fct = 'sse', linear.output = F, likelihood=T)

and recieved the error

Error in model.frame.default(formula.reverse, data) : variable lengths differ (found for 'as.factor(paste(names(df)[-1], collapse="+"))')


可能是一个重复的问题。 编辑:@Hong Ooi指出“点解决方案”在neuralnet()不起作用。

dta <- data.frame(a=rnorm(10), a2=rnorm(10), a3=rnorm(10)) frm <- as.formula(paste(names(dta)[1], " ~ ", paste(names(dta)[-1], collapse= "+"))) nn <- neuralnet(frm, data=dta, err.fct = 'sse', linear.output = F, likelihood=T)

Might be a duplicate question. Edit: @Hong Ooi pointed out the "dot solution" doesnt work in neuralnet().

dta <- data.frame(a=rnorm(10), a2=rnorm(10), a3=rnorm(10)) frm <- as.formula(paste(names(dta)[1], " ~ ", paste(names(dta)[-1], collapse= "+"))) nn <- neuralnet(frm, data=dta, err.fct = 'sse', linear.output = F, likelihood=T)
