Video Style Transfer
- Processing images and video for an impressionist effect. (ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co 1997)
- Image and video based painterly animation. (NPAR 2004)
- 解决97年那篇中的抖动问题
- Painterly rendering for video and interaction. (NPAR 2000)
- 基于Painterly rendering with curved brush strokes of multiple sizes. 扩展到video的工作
序号 | 时间 | 文章 | 会议/期刊 | 源码 | 描述 |
1 | 2016 | Artistic Style Transfer for Videos | GCPR | torch7 | 光流(基于优化) |
2 | 2017 | Characterizing and Improving Stability in Neural Style Transfer | ICCV | 无 | 光流(只在训练时用) |
3 | Coherent Online Video Style Transfer | ICCV | 无 | 光流(训练测试都用) | |
4 | Real-Time Neural Style Transfer for Videos | CVPR | pytorch | 光流(只在训练时用) | |
5 | 2018 | Artistic Style Transfer for Videos and Spherical Images | IJCV | torch7 | 1的期刊版本(前向网络) |
6 | Stereoscopic Neural Style Transfer | CVPR | 无 | 3扩展到三维立体图像的版本 | |
7 | Evolvement Constrained Adversarial Learning for Video Style Transfer | ACCV | 无 | 光流 | |
8 | Reconet: Real-time coherent video style transfer network | ACCV | pytorch | 光流(只在训练时用) | |
9 | 2019 | Learning Linear Transformations for Fast Image and Video Style Transfer | CVPR | pytorch | LST |
10 | Video style transfer by consistent adaptive patch sampling | Visual Computer | 无 | ||
11 | 2020 | Optical Flow Distillation- Towards Efficient and Stable Video Style Transfer | ECCV? | 无 | 光流(只在蒸馏时使用光流) |
12 | Consistent Video Style Transfer via Compound Regularization | AAAI | 无 | 加入随机warp的正则化项(训练测试都无光流) | |
13 | Fast Video Multi-Style Transfer | WACV | pytorch |
Artistic style transfer for videos. (GCPR 2016)
- 将基于优化的方法扩展到video领域
- 引入短时光流相邻帧的时序一致性
- 初始化设置为上一帧风格化后的图片
- 引入长时光流解决目标消失又出现的问题
- 每个帧设置一个对比序列,对序列中的都加入光流约束
- 提出multi-pass解决图像边界对比度和多样性少的问题
- 随机初始化与初始化为上一帧图片做一个blend
- 速度慢
Characterizing and Improving Stability in Neural Style Transfer (ICCV 2017)
- 从理论分析了基于Gram矩阵的方法的固有不稳定性
- 使用到了backpropagation throuch time
- 使用了光流来约束时序一致性
- 时序一致性损失使用了mask,数据集里面带有mask,有两个数据集
- Anaturalistic open source movie for optical flow evaluation.
- Lessons and insights from creating a synthetic optical flow benchmark.
- 待解决问题
- 第一幅图是否是单独处理的然后作为下一帧的参考帧输入
- mask应该是移动区域为0,静止区域为1,只用约束静止区域的时序一致性即可
Coherent Online Video Style Transfer (ICCV 2017)
- 三个子网络:风格化子网络、flow-subnet、mask-subnet
- 训练时风格化网络参数固定,只训练flow-subnet、以及mask-subnet
- 训练时应该一对儿一对儿得输入,输入一对儿,backforward一下。
Real-Time Neural Style Transfer for Videos (CVPR 2017)
- 清华与腾讯AI-Lab的文章
- 和Characterizing and Improving Stability in Neural Style Transfer基本一样
Consistent Video Style Transfer via Compound Regularization (AAAI 2020)
Optical Flow Distillation: Towards Efficient and Stable Video Style Transfer
- 使用一种残差蒸馏的方式来蒸馏,共用到四种网络:带有光流的教师网络、不带光流的教师网络,带有光流的学生网络,不带光流的学生网络(最后输出的网络)
- 使用低秩loss来逼近原始输入视频
Video Style Transfer汇总