lisp编程中的变量(variables in lisp programming)
(the answer is n)
当我输入时,n是我想要的列表中的任何整数(A 4)
它应该显示(the answer is 4)
我不确定如何考虑使用setq and the list function
I am trying to write a function lets say A(n)
which is supposed to have a list
(the answer is n)
n being any integer in the list I want when i type (A 4)
it should display (the answer is 4)
I am not sure how to go about it thinking of using setq and the list function
But how to construct it its confusing me I'm just a newbie trying to learn lisp, any ideas or books I can read I will greatly appreciate.
(defun A (n) (list 'the 'answer 'is n)) (A 4) => (the answer is 4) (defun A (n) (list 'the 'answer 'is n)) (A 4) => (the answer is 4)更多推荐