使用Sympy lambdify函数实例化besel函数时出错(Error when instantiating bessel functions with Sympy lambdify function)

我目前正在开发一个python程序,将由sympy计算出的符号表达式转换为包含所有数值的numpy数组。 我用sympy.lambdify函数实例化符号表达式。

一些符号表达式包含Bessel函数,并且在lambdify函数中传递scipy.special.jv/jy等作为参数。 这是单个代码(来自程序的appart):

m = Symbol('m') expr= -1.06048319593874*(-(3.14159265358979*m*besselj(27.9937791601866*m, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)) - 0.501286290793831*sqrt(-I)*besselj(27.9937791601866*m + 1, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)))*bessely(27.9937791601866*m, 6.81776274795262*sqrt(-I))/(3.14159265358979*m*bessely(27.9937791601866*m, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)) - 0.501286290793831*sqrt(-I)*bessely(27.9937791601866*m + 1, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I))) + besselj(27.9937791601866*m, 6.81776274795262*sqrt(-I)))*sin(0.942966379693359*m)*cos(1.5707963267949*m)/m nm = 5 vm = arange(nm) +1 bessel = {'besselj':jv,'besselk':kv,'besseli':iv,'bessely':yv} libraries = [bessel, "numpy"] result = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries)(vm) In[1] : result Out[1]: array([ -7.51212638e-030 -3.22606326e-030j, 4.81143544e-046 +1.04405860e-046j, 1.97977798e-097 +3.02047228e-098j, 3.84986092e-124 +4.73598141e-125j, 1.12934434e-181 +1.21145535e-182j])

结果如我所料:一个5行1维数组,每个整数值的符号为m 。

问题是当我尝试在程序中实现它时。 这是实施:

expr = list_symbolic_expr[index] vcm = arange(Dim_col[0]) +1 #Dim_col = list of integer range values to instantiate m = Symbol(str(Var_col[0])) #Var_col = list of symbolic integer parameters print expr, m smat = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries)(vcm)

这是使用scipy.special bessel函数时的错误:

In [2]: run Get_System_Num Out [2]: -1.06048319593874*(-(3.14159265358979*m*besselj(27.9937791601866*m, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)) - 0.501286290793831*sqrt(-I)*besselj(27.9937791601866*m + 1, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)))*bessely(27.9937791601866*m, 6.81776274795262*sqrt(-I))/(3.14159265358979*m*bessely(27.9937791601866*m, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)) - 0.501286290793831*sqrt(-I)*bessely(27.9937791601866*m + 1, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I))) + besselj(27.9937791601866*m, 6.81776274795262*sqrt(-I)))*sin(0.942966379693359*m)*cos(1.5707963267949*m)/m m File "Numeric\Get_System_Num.py", line 183, in get_Mat smat = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries)(vcm) File "<string>", line 1, in <lambda> TypeError: ufunc 'jv' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''

这是使用sympy.special bessel函数时的错误:

File "Numeric\Get_System_Num.py", line 183, in get_Mat smat = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries)(vcm) File "<string>", line 1, in <lambda> File "C:\Users\Emile\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\sympy\core\function.py", line 375, in __new__ result = super(Function, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **options) File "C:\Users\Emile\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\sympy\core\function.py", line 199, in __new__ evaluated = cls.eval(*args) File "C:\Users\Emile\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\sympy\functions\special\bessel.py", line 161, in eval if nu.is_integer: AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'is_integer'

似乎lambdify不能正确解释程序代码中bessel函数的输入值(它是scipy还是sympy bessel函数),因为输入值似乎是一个数组对象,而在单个函数中它不是问题码。 但我没有看到它们之间的区别。

感谢您阅读本文,我希望有人可以帮助我解决这个问题。 请告诉我是否需要更多信息来说明这个问题。

- 编辑1--

我一直在寻找这个问题,甚至当我试图将这个简单的表达式17469169.5935065*sin(0.942966379693359*m)*cos(1.5707963267949*m)/m : 17469169.5935065*sin(0.942966379693359*m)*cos(1.5707963267949*m)/m ,以“numpy”作为模块参数时,它给出: 'float' object has no attribute 'sin'

我也尝试了打包模块'numexpr'但没有成功,因为它在另一个表达式上停止: 0.058**(46.6321243523316*k) ,说:

File "C:\Users\Emile\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\numexpr\necompiler.py", line 756, in evaluate signature = [(name, getType(arg)) for (name, arg) in zip(names, arguments)] File "C:\Users\Emile\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\numexpr\necompiler.py", line 654, in getType raise ValueError("unknown type %s" % a.dtype.name) ValueError: unknown type object


- 编辑2 -

这里是Get_System_Num类的主体:首先是导入,然后我也从符号项目导入数据,这意味着:我想要实例化的每个符号系数(在Mat_Num中列出); 要为每个系数实例化的符号(列在“list_Var”中),取决于行和列;实例化矩阵的大小和位置(在list_Dim中列出)。由于这些列表在开始时是符号的我需要用我在Pr_Num <=>数字项目中输入的实际值替换符号,然后在sub_system_num方法中执行它。

from numpy import diag, zeros, concatenate, arange, meshgrid, array from scipy.special import jv,kv,iv,yv from sympy import srepr, Matrix, lambdify, Symbol from Numeric.Sub_System_Num import Sub_System_Num class Get_System_Num : #Calling constructor def __init__(self, Pr_Num) : #Assigning inputs values to local values self.Pr_Num = Pr_Num self.Pr_Symb = Pr_Num.Pr_Symb #Load data from Pr_Symb self.Mat_Num_Index = self.Pr_Symb.Mat_Num_Index #Subs symbols with numeric values print "Substitute symbols with real values..." self.Sub_System_Num = Sub_System_Num(self) #Gathering the results self.Mat_Num = self.Sub_System_Num.Mat_Num self.Mat_Size = self.Sub_System_Num.Mat_Size self.list_Index = self.Sub_System_Num.list_Index self.list_Var_row = self.Sub_System_Num.list_Var.col(0) self.list_Dim_row = self.Sub_System_Num.list_Dim.col(0) self.list_Var_col = self.Sub_System_Num.list_Var.col(1) self.list_Dim_col = self.Sub_System_Num.list_Dim.col(1) self.count = 0 print "Compute numerical matrix..." self.Mat = self.get_Mat()

这是填充数字矩阵的方法。 我只把情况放在只有一个变量来实例化行和列。 这是9(3²)中的一种情况,因为每行和每列都有0,1或2个变量来实例化。 关于if srepr(coeff).__contains__(srepr(Var_row[0])) :这会检查变量是否真的包含在expr中,如果没有,我手动复制coeff。 由于表达式是先前以符号方式计算的,因此有时候可以简化它们,以便变量不再在这里。

def get_Mat(self) : bessel = {'besselj':jv,'besselk':kv,'besseli':iv,'bessely':yv} libraries = [bessel, 'numpy'] Mat = zeros((self.Mat_Size[0], self.Mat_Size[0]), dtype=complex) for index in range(0, self.Mat_Num_Index.__len__()) : Nb_row = self.list_Index[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][0], 0] Nb_col = self.list_Index[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][1], 1] Pos_row = self.list_Index[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][0], 2] Pos_col = self.list_Index[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][1], 3] Var_row = self.list_Var_row[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][0]] Var_col = self.list_Var_col[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][1]] Dim_row = self.list_Dim_row[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][0]] Dim_col = self.list_Dim_col[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][1]] coeff = self.Mat_Num[index] #M(K or Z, M or Z) if Var_row.__len__() == 1 : if Var_col.__len__() == 1 : if Var_row[0] == Var_col[0] : #M(K,M=K) or M(Z,Z) vrk = arange(Dim_row[0]) +1 k = Symbol(str(Var_row[0])) smat = lambdify(k, coeff, modules=libraries)(vrk) if srepr(coeff).__contains__(srepr(Var_row[0])) : smat = diag(smat) print 'coeff n°', index, ' Case 1/1 M(K,M=K) or M(Z,Z) : i dependent ' print coeff, Var_col, Var_row else : smat = diag([smat]*Dim_row[0]) print 'coeff n°', index, ' Case 1/1 M(K,M=K) or M(Z,Z) : i non dependent' print coeff, Var_col, Var_row else : if srepr(coeff).__contains__(srepr(Var_col[0]) and srepr(Var_row[0])) : #M(K,Z) or M(Z,M) or M(K, M) print 'coeff n°', index, ' Case 1/1 M(K,Z) or M(Z,M) : i dependent ' print coeff, Var_col, Var_row, index vrk = arange(Dim_row[0]) +1 vcm = arange(Dim_col[0]) +1 mcm, mrk = meshgrid(vcm, vrk) k = Symbol(str(Var_row[0])) i = Symbol(str(Var_col[0])) smat = lambdify((k, i), coeff, modules=libraries)(mrk, mcm) elif not(srepr(coeff).__contains__(srepr(Var_row[0]))) : #M(Z,M) print 'coeff n°', index, ' Case 1/1 M(Z,M) : i non dependent ' print coeff, Var_col, Var_row, index vcm = arange(Dim_col[0]) +1 m = Symbol(str(Var_col[0])) smat = lambdify(m, coeff, modules=libraries)(vcm) smat = [smat]*Dim_row[0] smat = concatenate(list(smat), axis=0) elif not(srepr(coeff).__contains__(srepr(Var_col[0]))) : #M(K,Z) print 'coeff n°', index, ' Case 1/1 M(K,Z) : i non dependent' print coeff, Var_col, Var_row, index vrk = arange(Dim_row[0]) +1 k = Symbol(str(Var_row[0])) smat = lambdify(k, coeff, modules=libraries)(vrk) smat = [smat]*Dim_col[0] smat = concatenate(list(smat), axis=1) self.count = self.count +1 Mat[Pos_row:Pos_row+Nb_row, Pos_col:Pos_col+Nb_col] = smat return Mat

最后,我用lambdified coeff填充矩阵,在这种情况下是一个较小的矩阵(Nb_row,Nb_col)。


- 编辑3 -


m = Symbol(str(Var_col[0])) coeff = lambdify(m, coeff, modules=libraries) for nm in range(0, Dim_col[0]) : smat.append(coeff(nm+1))

它可以工作,但它耗时更长(尽管远低于使用subs和evalf)。 当我使用数组对象(不管是numpy还是sympy数组类型)调用由lambdify创建的lambda函数时,会出现该错误。

I am currently developping a python program to tranform a symbolic expression computed by sympy into a numpy array containing all the numerical values. I instantiate the symbolic expression with the sympy.lambdify function.

Some of the symbolic expressions contain Bessel functions, and I pass scipy.special.jv/jy etc. as parameters in the lambdify function. Here is the single code (appart from the program) :

m = Symbol('m') expr= -1.06048319593874*(-(3.14159265358979*m*besselj(27.9937791601866*m, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)) - 0.501286290793831*sqrt(-I)*besselj(27.9937791601866*m + 1, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)))*bessely(27.9937791601866*m, 6.81776274795262*sqrt(-I))/(3.14159265358979*m*bessely(27.9937791601866*m, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)) - 0.501286290793831*sqrt(-I)*bessely(27.9937791601866*m + 1, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I))) + besselj(27.9937791601866*m, 6.81776274795262*sqrt(-I)))*sin(0.942966379693359*m)*cos(1.5707963267949*m)/m nm = 5 vm = arange(nm) +1 bessel = {'besselj':jv,'besselk':kv,'besseli':iv,'bessely':yv} libraries = [bessel, "numpy"] result = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries)(vm) In[1] : result Out[1]: array([ -7.51212638e-030 -3.22606326e-030j, 4.81143544e-046 +1.04405860e-046j, 1.97977798e-097 +3.02047228e-098j, 3.84986092e-124 +4.73598141e-125j, 1.12934434e-181 +1.21145535e-182j])

The result is as I expected : a 5 rows 1-d array with each integer value of the symbol m.

The problem is when I try to implement it in the program. Here is the implementation :

expr = list_symbolic_expr[index] vcm = arange(Dim_col[0]) +1 #Dim_col = list of integer range values to instantiate m = Symbol(str(Var_col[0])) #Var_col = list of symbolic integer parameters print expr, m smat = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries)(vcm)

Here is the error when using scipy.special bessel functions :

In [2]: run Get_System_Num Out [2]: -1.06048319593874*(-(3.14159265358979*m*besselj(27.9937791601866*m, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)) - 0.501286290793831*sqrt(-I)*besselj(27.9937791601866*m + 1, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)))*bessely(27.9937791601866*m, 6.81776274795262*sqrt(-I))/(3.14159265358979*m*bessely(27.9937791601866*m, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)) - 0.501286290793831*sqrt(-I)*bessely(27.9937791601866*m + 1, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I))) + besselj(27.9937791601866*m, 6.81776274795262*sqrt(-I)))*sin(0.942966379693359*m)*cos(1.5707963267949*m)/m m File "Numeric\Get_System_Num.py", line 183, in get_Mat smat = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries)(vcm) File "<string>", line 1, in <lambda> TypeError: ufunc 'jv' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''

Here is the error when using sympy.special bessel functions :

File "Numeric\Get_System_Num.py", line 183, in get_Mat smat = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries)(vcm) File "<string>", line 1, in <lambda> File "C:\Users\Emile\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\sympy\core\function.py", line 375, in __new__ result = super(Function, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **options) File "C:\Users\Emile\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\sympy\core\function.py", line 199, in __new__ evaluated = cls.eval(*args) File "C:\Users\Emile\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\sympy\functions\special\bessel.py", line 161, in eval if nu.is_integer: AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'is_integer'

It seems that lambdify cannot interprete properly the input value in the bessel function in the program code (wether it is with scipy or sympy bessel functions), as the input value seems to be an array object, while it is not a problem in the single code. Yet I do not see the difference between them.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope someone may help me on this topic. Please tell me if more information are needed to illustrate this problem.

--Edit 1--

I have kept on searching the problem, and even when I try to lambdify this simple expression : 17469169.5935065*sin(0.942966379693359*m)*cos(1.5707963267949*m)/m, with "numpy" as module argument, it gives : 'float' object has no attribute 'sin'

I have also tried the packaged module 'numexpr' without success, as it stops on this other expression : 0.058**(46.6321243523316*k), saying :

File "C:\Users\Emile\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\numexpr\necompiler.py", line 756, in evaluate signature = [(name, getType(arg)) for (name, arg) in zip(names, arguments)] File "C:\Users\Emile\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\numexpr\necompiler.py", line 654, in getType raise ValueError("unknown type %s" % a.dtype.name) ValueError: unknown type object

So I really don't know the nature of this problem, and I can't even track it as the exception raised comes from inside sympy and I don't know how to put flags in sympy functions.

--Edit 2--

Here is the body of the Get_System_Num class : first the imports, then I also import the data from the symbolic project, meaning : each symbolic coefficient that I want to instantiate (listed in Mat_Num) ; the symbols to instantiate (listed in "list_Var') for each coefficient and depending on the rows and columns ; the size and the position of the instantiated matrix in the real big matrix (listed in list_Dim). As those lists are symbolic at the beginning I need to substitute symbols with real values that I put in Pr_Num <=> numerical project, and I do it in the sub_system_num method.

from numpy import diag, zeros, concatenate, arange, meshgrid, array from scipy.special import jv,kv,iv,yv from sympy import srepr, Matrix, lambdify, Symbol from Numeric.Sub_System_Num import Sub_System_Num class Get_System_Num : #Calling constructor def __init__(self, Pr_Num) : #Assigning inputs values to local values self.Pr_Num = Pr_Num self.Pr_Symb = Pr_Num.Pr_Symb #Load data from Pr_Symb self.Mat_Num_Index = self.Pr_Symb.Mat_Num_Index #Subs symbols with numeric values print "Substitute symbols with real values..." self.Sub_System_Num = Sub_System_Num(self) #Gathering the results self.Mat_Num = self.Sub_System_Num.Mat_Num self.Mat_Size = self.Sub_System_Num.Mat_Size self.list_Index = self.Sub_System_Num.list_Index self.list_Var_row = self.Sub_System_Num.list_Var.col(0) self.list_Dim_row = self.Sub_System_Num.list_Dim.col(0) self.list_Var_col = self.Sub_System_Num.list_Var.col(1) self.list_Dim_col = self.Sub_System_Num.list_Dim.col(1) self.count = 0 print "Compute numerical matrix..." self.Mat = self.get_Mat()

Here is the method to fill the numerical Matrix. I only put the case where there is only one variable to instantiate for both row and column. It's one case among 9 (3²) possible, as each row and columns have either 0,1 or 2 variables to instantiate. About the if srepr(coeff).__contains__(srepr(Var_row[0])) : this checks if the variable is really contained in the expr, and if not I duplicate manually the coeff. As expressions are previousvly computed symbolically, sometimes sympy may simplify them so that the variable is not here anymore.

def get_Mat(self) : bessel = {'besselj':jv,'besselk':kv,'besseli':iv,'bessely':yv} libraries = [bessel, 'numpy'] Mat = zeros((self.Mat_Size[0], self.Mat_Size[0]), dtype=complex) for index in range(0, self.Mat_Num_Index.__len__()) : Nb_row = self.list_Index[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][0], 0] Nb_col = self.list_Index[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][1], 1] Pos_row = self.list_Index[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][0], 2] Pos_col = self.list_Index[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][1], 3] Var_row = self.list_Var_row[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][0]] Var_col = self.list_Var_col[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][1]] Dim_row = self.list_Dim_row[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][0]] Dim_col = self.list_Dim_col[self.Mat_Num_Index[index][1]] coeff = self.Mat_Num[index] #M(K or Z, M or Z) if Var_row.__len__() == 1 : if Var_col.__len__() == 1 : if Var_row[0] == Var_col[0] : #M(K,M=K) or M(Z,Z) vrk = arange(Dim_row[0]) +1 k = Symbol(str(Var_row[0])) smat = lambdify(k, coeff, modules=libraries)(vrk) if srepr(coeff).__contains__(srepr(Var_row[0])) : smat = diag(smat) print 'coeff n°', index, ' Case 1/1 M(K,M=K) or M(Z,Z) : i dependent ' print coeff, Var_col, Var_row else : smat = diag([smat]*Dim_row[0]) print 'coeff n°', index, ' Case 1/1 M(K,M=K) or M(Z,Z) : i non dependent' print coeff, Var_col, Var_row else : if srepr(coeff).__contains__(srepr(Var_col[0]) and srepr(Var_row[0])) : #M(K,Z) or M(Z,M) or M(K, M) print 'coeff n°', index, ' Case 1/1 M(K,Z) or M(Z,M) : i dependent ' print coeff, Var_col, Var_row, index vrk = arange(Dim_row[0]) +1 vcm = arange(Dim_col[0]) +1 mcm, mrk = meshgrid(vcm, vrk) k = Symbol(str(Var_row[0])) i = Symbol(str(Var_col[0])) smat = lambdify((k, i), coeff, modules=libraries)(mrk, mcm) elif not(srepr(coeff).__contains__(srepr(Var_row[0]))) : #M(Z,M) print 'coeff n°', index, ' Case 1/1 M(Z,M) : i non dependent ' print coeff, Var_col, Var_row, index vcm = arange(Dim_col[0]) +1 m = Symbol(str(Var_col[0])) smat = lambdify(m, coeff, modules=libraries)(vcm) smat = [smat]*Dim_row[0] smat = concatenate(list(smat), axis=0) elif not(srepr(coeff).__contains__(srepr(Var_col[0]))) : #M(K,Z) print 'coeff n°', index, ' Case 1/1 M(K,Z) : i non dependent' print coeff, Var_col, Var_row, index vrk = arange(Dim_row[0]) +1 k = Symbol(str(Var_row[0])) smat = lambdify(k, coeff, modules=libraries)(vrk) smat = [smat]*Dim_col[0] smat = concatenate(list(smat), axis=1) self.count = self.count +1 Mat[Pos_row:Pos_row+Nb_row, Pos_col:Pos_col+Nb_col] = smat return Mat

In the end I fill the matrix with the lambdified coeff, which is in this case a smaller matrix of size (Nb_row, Nb_col).

I will keep searching on my own, do not hesitate to ask for more details !

--Edit 3 --

I have found that if I do this :

m = Symbol(str(Var_col[0])) coeff = lambdify(m, coeff, modules=libraries) for nm in range(0, Dim_col[0]) : smat.append(coeff(nm+1))

It works but it's far more time consuming (though far less than using subs and evalf). The error appears when I call the lambda function created by lambdify with an array object (whatever it is numpy or sympy array type).


我可以重现你的错误。 基于这些输入:

m = Symbol('m') expr = -1.06048319593874*(-(3.14159265358979*m*besselj(27.9937791601866*m, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)) - 0.501286290793831*sqrt(-I)*besselj(27.9937791601866*m + 1, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)))*bessely(27.9937791601866*m, 6.81776274795262*sqrt(-I))/(3.14159265358979*m*bessely(27.9937791601866*m, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)) - 0.501286290793831*sqrt(-I)*bessely(27.9937791601866*m + 1, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I))) + besselj(27.9937791601866*m, 6.81776274795262*sqrt(-I)))*sin(0.942966379693359*m)*cos(1.5707963267949*m)/m nm = 2 bessel = {'besselj': jv,'besselk':kv,'besseli':iv,'bessely':yv} libraries = [bessel, "numpy"]


vm = np.arange(nm, dtype=np.int) +1 result = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries)(vm)


vm = np.arange(nm, dtype=np.complex) +1 result = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries)(vm)


TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-30-f0e31009275a> in <module>() 1 vm = np.arange(nm, dtype=np.complex) +1 ----> 2 result = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries)(vm) /Users/mike/anaconda/envs/py34/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py in <lambda>(_Dummy_27) TypeError: ufunc 'jv' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''

因此,请检查您在arange(Dim_col[0]) +1获得的数据类型,即arange(Dim_col[0]) +1返回值。

您只能使用真实属性的复数的实部。 例如, vm.real为您提供vm的真实部分。 如果这是你想要的,你应该得到你的结果:

result = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries).(vm.real)

I can reproduce your error. Based on these inputs:

m = Symbol('m') expr = -1.06048319593874*(-(3.14159265358979*m*besselj(27.9937791601866*m, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)) - 0.501286290793831*sqrt(-I)*besselj(27.9937791601866*m + 1, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)))*bessely(27.9937791601866*m, 6.81776274795262*sqrt(-I))/(3.14159265358979*m*bessely(27.9937791601866*m, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I)) - 0.501286290793831*sqrt(-I)*bessely(27.9937791601866*m + 1, 4.46681007624482*sqrt(-I))) + besselj(27.9937791601866*m, 6.81776274795262*sqrt(-I)))*sin(0.942966379693359*m)*cos(1.5707963267949*m)/m nm = 2 bessel = {'besselj': jv,'besselk':kv,'besseli':iv,'bessely':yv} libraries = [bessel, "numpy"]

It works integers in vm:

vm = np.arange(nm, dtype=np.int) +1 result = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries)(vm)

But complex numbers produce the same error message as you got:

vm = np.arange(nm, dtype=np.complex) +1 result = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries)(vm)

The error message:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-30-f0e31009275a> in <module>() 1 vm = np.arange(nm, dtype=np.complex) +1 ----> 2 result = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries)(vm) /Users/mike/anaconda/envs/py34/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/__init__.py in <lambda>(_Dummy_27) TypeError: ufunc 'jv' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''

So, check what data type you got in vcm, i.e. what arange(Dim_col[0]) +1 returns.

You can take only the real part of complex numbers with the attribute real. For example, vm.real gives you the real part of vm. If this is what you want, you should get your result with:

result = lambdify(m, expr, modules=libraries).(vm.real)
