收集/选择行进行计算(Gather/Select rows for calculation)

我的问题很简单,但是一位同事问我,我几乎从不使用Excel。 在Mathematica中,我可以在几秒钟内解决这个问题。 让我们假设一个非常简单的安排,包括患者ID,测量年份和值:

问题1:如何创建仅包含第一次测量的新表? 也就是说,对于ID 1 2014行,ID 2为2015行,ID 3为2016行。

问题2:如何创建一个新表,每个ID只有一行,并且所有找到的Values都与MEDIAN()这样的函数一起使用? 对于ID 1,中位数为12和23,对于ID 2,中位数为32和16,ID 3为4。

My question is embarrassingly simple, but a colleague asked me, and I almost never use Excel. In Mathematica, I can solve this within seconds. Let us assume a very simple arrangement consisting of a patient ID, a year of measurement, and a value:

Question 1: How can I create a new table consisting only of the first measurements? That is, for ID 1 the 2014 row, for ID 2 the 2015 row and for ID 3 the 2016 row.

Question 2: How can I create a new table that has only one line for each ID and where all found Values are used with a function like MEDIAN()? That is for ID 1 the median of 12 and 23, for ID 2 the median of 32 and 16 and for ID 3 just 4.




将"1"替换为新表中包含ID 1单元格。

对于问题2,您可以使用以下公式,再次使用新表中包含ID 1单元格替换=1


注意,这是一个数组公式,你不直接键入大括号{} ,但只需按CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER ,而不是输入公式时只需输入

这可以通过创建像这样的数组{12,23,"","",""}并取这些数字的中位数来实现。 MEDIAN忽略字符串,因此根据需要给出中间值12和23(ID 1的示例)

Assuming your table is ordered by date (which it is in the picture), then the first question can be solved using a VLOOKUP


Replace "1" which whichever cell contains the ID 1 in your new table.

For question 2, you can use the following formula, again replacing =1 with whichever cell contains ID 1 in your new table


Note, this is an array formula, you don't type the curly brackets {} directly, but simple press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, rather than just ENTER when entering the formula

This works by creating an array like this {12,23,"","",""} and taking the median of those numbers. MEDIAN ignores the strings so gives you the median of 12 and 23, as required (example for ID 1)
