快速将虚拟数据插入mysql(insert dummy data to mysql fast)



此过程重复约$ $想要在for循环中一次添加的不同虚拟记录...



如果我想一次添加1000,10000个用户怎么办? 可能吗?


public function registerRandomUsers($total = 1){ $this->load->model("misc_model"); $this->load->model("encryption_model"); $this->load->model("signup_model"); for ($i=1;$i<=$total;$i++){ $username = $this->misc_model->generateRandomString(15); $flag = false; while ($flag == false){ if ($this->user_model->usernameExist($username)){ $username = $this->misc_model->generateRandomString(15); }else{ $flag = true; $password = 'Test123'; $email = $username.'@email.com'; $data = array( 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $email ); $this->signup_model->submitRegistration($data); $userdata = $this->user_model->getUserData($username, "username"); } } } }

I have 1 function in my debug model which i want to use in order to add dummy data to my app to test its speed and such...

the problem is that it needs to add records to 2 different tables and also check for duplicates usernames etc before each record is added to db so it takes a little time...

also this procedure is repeated about $total different dummy records i want to add at once in a for loop...

for example for 100 new users i want to add it takes around 5 seconds to proceed.

is this time fine or do i need to optimize it?

what if i want to add 1000,10000 users at once?? is it possible?

EDIT: Function called to insert data:

public function registerRandomUsers($total = 1){ $this->load->model("misc_model"); $this->load->model("encryption_model"); $this->load->model("signup_model"); for ($i=1;$i<=$total;$i++){ $username = $this->misc_model->generateRandomString(15); $flag = false; while ($flag == false){ if ($this->user_model->usernameExist($username)){ $username = $this->misc_model->generateRandomString(15); }else{ $flag = true; $password = 'Test123'; $email = $username.'@email.com'; $data = array( 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $email ); $this->signup_model->submitRegistration($data); $userdata = $this->user_model->getUserData($username, "username"); } } } }


如果您不担心随机字符串作为用户名,只需设置$email = 'user'.$i.'@email.com'; (所以你不必担心碰撞) 。 这将导致运行缓慢的主要原因是因为您在循环的每次迭代中向数据库发送新查询 - 生成批量插入字符串会快得多:

INSERT INTO user (email,pass) VALUES ('user1@email.com','Test123') , ('user2@email.com','Test123') , ('user3@email.com','Test123') , ('user4@email.com','Test123') , ('user5@email.com','Test123');


If you're not worried about having a random string as the user name, just set the $email = 'user'.$i.'@email.com'; (so you don't have to worry about collisions). The main reason this will be running slow is because you're sending a new query to the database on each iteration of the loop - it would be much much faster to generate a bulk insert string like:

INSERT INTO user (email,pass) VALUES ('user1@email.com','Test123') , ('user2@email.com','Test123') , ('user3@email.com','Test123') , ('user4@email.com','Test123') , ('user5@email.com','Test123');

This way you can avoid the overhead of tcp traffic from sending 10000 queries to the database and have it do it all in one go.
