如何获得最大ID的项目?(How to get item with max id?)




如何在Realm for Swift上编写此查询?

I'm tryig to get the ítem with max id using this query


It's throwing an error saying that can't parse query so it seems this is not the correct way to do it.

How can I write this query on Realm for Swift?




@"@max.id"不是有效的NSPredicate格式字符串 。 NSPredicate格式字符串必须由表达式之间的比较组成,而不是由表达式组成。

必须将@max等集合运算符应用于集合。 在你的例子中,它被应用于一个Entity 。 由于一个Entity不是一个集合,所以谓词是无效的。 不过,将集合运算符应用于Entity上的List属性将是有效的。


let entities = realm.objects(Entity) let id = entities.max("id") as Int? let entity = id != nil ? entities.filter("id == %@", id!).first : nil

Filters alone cannot do what you're after as they only consider a single top-level object at a time.

Beyond that conceptual issue, there are a few issues with the code you posted:

@"@max.id" is not a valid NSPredicate format string. NSPredicate format strings must be composed of comparisons between expressions, not expressions on their own.

Collection operators such as @max must be applied to a collection. In your example it is being applied to an Entity. Since an Entity is not a collection, the predicate would not be valid. It would be valid to apply a collection operator to a List property on Entity though.

Something like the following should do what you're after:

let entities = realm.objects(Entity) let id = entities.max("id") as Int? let entity = id != nil ? entities.filter("id == %@", id!).first : nil
