IIS动态IP地址限制永久阻止IP(IIS Dynamic IP Address Restriction to permanently block IP)


目前我们有IIS动态IP地址限制,但这只是临时阻止他很短的时间。 是否有可能有相同的规则,但永久阻止他。




So I have a website that is getting hit regularly from someone scraping our content and I would like to do my best to annoy him as possible.

Currently we have IIS Dynamic IP address restriction on but this only temp blocks him for a very short time. Is it possible to have the same sort of rules but permanently block him instead.

So if we have 20 requests in 10 seconds from the same IP address that IP address is then block indefinitely (or a preset time I can pick)

we currently using IIS7.5

Thanks Steve


要回答你的问题,你应该看看这个 ,它是IIS的扩展。 实际上,您可以通过以下方式对其进行设置:如果用户达到一定数量的连接,则会被拒绝。

希望这可以帮助 !

To answer your question, you should look at this, it is an extension for IIS . You can actually set it up in such a way that if a user reaches a certain number of connections they are getting denied.

Hope this helps !
