ADF partialSubmit生命周期(ADF partialSubmit lifecycle)

autosubmit和partialsubmit是否向服务器发送AJAX请求或正常请求? 如何更新设置了partialTrigger属性的组件?

Does autosubmit and partialsubmit send an AJAX request or normal request to server? How do the components which has its partialTrigger property set get refreshed?



如果您使用像Firebug这样的浏览器调试器,您可以通过监视RQ / RS数据来判断导致PPR工作的部分提交方式。 PPR响应通常包含以下结构:

<?xml version="1.0" ?> <?Adf-Rich-Response-Type ?> <content action="/YOURAPPLICATION/faces/somthing/SomePage?_adf.ctrl-state=1d72fpsv6l_20"> <!-- zero to N fragments --> <fragment> <!--HTML content here which may include javascript as well --> </fragment> </content>


In addition to Shay's answer..

If you use a browser debugger like Firebug, you can tell how partial submits that cause PPR work by monitoring the RQ/RS data. PPR responses typically contain the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" ?> <?Adf-Rich-Response-Type ?> <content action="/YOURAPPLICATION/faces/somthing/SomePage?_adf.ctrl-state=1d72fpsv6l_20"> <!-- zero to N fragments --> <fragment> <!--HTML content here which may include javascript as well --> </fragment> </content>

During a PPR's render phase, the renderer actually tries to render only those that are partial triggered but the whole component tree is still restored.
