条纹银行到银行直接转账(stripe bank to bank direct transfers)

好吧,我对为客户设置Stripe到客户直接银行转账的最佳方式感到有些困惑。 这就是我想要做的。


我认为Stripe Connected帐户最有意义的是实现这一目标。 但是,即使在阅读完文档之后,我想我还没有完全理解这一流程。 任何见解将不胜感激。

OK, I am a little confused on the best way to setup Stripe for customer to customer direct bank transfer. Here's what I want to do.

I am building a rental platform where a tenant and landlord can enter their bank information (routing and account) and then on a monthly basis transfer money from the tenant to pay the landlord directly (ie, bank to bank transfer) for that months rent.

I think Stripe Connected account makes the most sense to make this happen. But I guess I am not fully understanding the flow, even after reading the docs. Any insight will be greatly appreciated.


您需要使用Stripe Connect代表其他人接受付款。 在您的方案中,您将为房东创建客户和关联帐户的 客户 ,然后创建收费以将资金从租户转移到房东,您的平台可选择减少交易。


You need to use Stripe Connect to accept payments on behalf of others. In your scenario, you'd create customers for the tenants and connected accounts for the landlords, then create charges to move funds from a tenant to a landlord, with your platform optionally taking a cut out of the transaction.

Since you want the tenant to pay via bank transfer, you'd need to use ACH rather than cards.
