使用子查询对多个列求和(Sum multiple columns using a subquery)

我正在尝试使用Oracle的数据库。 我试图将同一行中的两列相加并在运行中输出总数。 但是,我似乎无法让它发挥作用。 这是我到目前为止的代码。

SELECT a.name , SUM(b.sequence + b.length) as total FROM ( SELECT a.name, a.sequence, b.length FROM tbl1 a, tbl2 b WHERE b.sequence = a.sequence AND a.loc <> -1 AND a.id='10201' ORDER BY a.location )



...[name][sequence][length]... ...['aa']['100000']['2000']... ... ...['za']['200000']['3001']...


[name][ total ] ['aa']['102000'] ... ['za']['203001']


I'm trying to play with Oracle's DB. I'm trying to sum two columns from the same row and output a total on the fly. However, I can't seem to get it to work. Here's the code I have so far.

SELECT a.name , SUM(b.sequence + b.length) as total FROM ( SELECT a.name, a.sequence, b.length FROM tbl1 a, tbl2 b WHERE b.sequence = a.sequence AND a.loc <> -1 AND a.id='10201' ORDER BY a.location )

The inner query works, but I can't seem to make the new query and the subquery work together.

Here's a sample table I'm using:

...[name][sequence][length]... ...['aa']['100000']['2000']... ... ...['za']['200000']['3001']...

And here's the output I'd like:

[name][ total ] ['aa']['102000'] ... ['za']['203001']

Help much appreciated, thanks!


SUM()汇总行数。 而是用sequence + length替换它。

...或者如果sequence或length列中可能出现NULL值,请使用: COALESCE(sequence, 0) + COALESCE(length, 0) 。

或者,如果您的意图确实是产生运行总计(即聚合每个用户的所有总计和长度的总和),请在子查询结束后添加GROUP BY a.name 。

顺便说一句:您不应该引用子查询外部子查询中使用的内部别名。 一些数据库服务器允许它(我现在没有方便的访问Oracle服务器,所以我可以测试它),但这不是很好的做法。


SELECT a.name, SUM(B.sequence + B.length) AS total FROM Tbl1 A INNER JOIN Tbl2 B ON B.sequence = A.sequence WHERE A.loc <> -1 AND A.id = 10201 GROUP BY a.name ORDER BY A.location

SUM() sums number across rows. Instead replace it with sequence + length.

...or if there is the possibility of NULL values occurring in either the sequence or length columns, use: COALESCE(sequence, 0) + COALESCE(length, 0).

Or, if your intention was indeed to produce a running total (i.e. aggregating the sum of all the totals and lengths for each user), add a GROUP BY a.name after the end of the subquery.

BTW: you shouldn't be referencing the internal aliases used inside a subquery from outside of that subquery. Some DB servers allow it (and I don't have convenient access to an Oracle server right now, so I can test it), but it's not really good practice.

I think what you are after is something like:

SELECT a.name, SUM(B.sequence + B.length) AS total FROM Tbl1 A INNER JOIN Tbl2 B ON B.sequence = A.sequence WHERE A.loc <> -1 AND A.id = 10201 GROUP BY a.name ORDER BY A.location
