获取重复的Dart项目问题(Get duplicate Dart Project Issue)

我需要从我的朋友那里获得复制或复制dart项目,但是当我获得该项目并打开现有文件夹并选择该重复文件时。 我无法运行pub get,我得到如下错误

我怎样才能将飞镖项目从一个系统复制到另一个系统,这是非常奇怪的问题。 我跑酒馆的时间超过10次。

其实我删除所有符号链接,并再次运行pub get,pub升级发生以下错误..

I need to get copy or duplicate dart project from my friend, But when I get that and open existing folder and select that duplicate file. I am unable to run pub get, I got following error as

How can I copy a dart project from one system to another system, very strange problem. I run pub get more than 10 times.

Actually I delete all symlinks and again run pub get,pub upgrade the following error is occurs..


你显然有权限问题。 复制Dart项目没有什么特别之处。 不应复制packages目录和web , bin , test , example , tool等目录中的所有packages符号链接。 如果您的副本包含这些目录,只需删除它们并再次运行pub get或pub upgrade 。

You obviously have a permissions problem. There is nothing special about copying a Dart project. The packages directory and all packages symlinks in directories like web, bin, test, example, tool, should not be copied. If your copy includes these directories, just delete them and run pub get or pub upgrade again.
