通过USB连接iPhone上的Parallels呼叫网络服务(Call web service running on Parallels from iPhone connected via USB)




是否有可能做到这一点? 我想通过应用内购买来调试我的API。

I can request a web service running on IIS Express/Parallels from Mac OS with...


This works fine from the iPhone simulator, but not from an iPhone device connected via USB, when debugging in XCode.

Is it possible to make this work? I would like to debug my API with in-app purchases.


我将我的Parallels实例切换到桥接网络模式,并让Wifi的DHCP分配一个IP地址给它。 然后我使用iPhone应用程序的这个IP地址。

不完全令人满意,因为IP会有所不同,但是它非常酷,iPhone在虚拟Windows实例上运行的Visual Studio中触发了一个断点。

I switched my Parallels instance to Bridged networking mode and let the Wifi's DHCP assign an IP address to it. Then I used this IP address from the iPhone app.

Not entirely satisfying because the IP will vary, but its very cool having an iPhone trigger a break point in Visual Studio running on a virtual instance of Windows.
