获取“文档是使用activereports的评估版本创建的”(Getting “The document was created using an evaluation version of activereports”)

我在我的Windows窗体应用程序中使用ActiveReports6当我在我的机器上安装它时提供串行密钥它完全正常。 但是当我不安装它时,它会在报告的底部显示这条红线

The document was created using an evaluation version of activereports..



那么必须在我部署客户端的所有机器上安装活动报告吗? 或者我做错了什么

I am using ActiveReports6 for my windows forms application When I install it on my machine providing serial key it works perfectly fine. But when I don't install it, it shows this red line in the bottom of the report

The document was created using an evaluation version of activereports..

My understanding may not be correct, but what I tried is I installed licensed version of ActiveReports6 to my computer and then copied all the dlls generated for ActiveReports6 from GAC and added them to my project thinking now they will work on any machine as they are generated by licensed version of the software.

And then uninstalled Activereports6, but when I tried it still gave me the same evaluation version message.

So is it mandatory that active reports has to be installed in all the machines where I deploy my client? Or I did something wrong


开发许可证。 您将安装activereports,创建报告并在许可的计算机上构建应用程序,VS编译器将自动检查许可的组件并在您的应用程序中包含许可证。 您无需在客户端上安装ActiveReports本身,只需确保在应用程序中部署ActiveReports程序集。 如果您有任何问题,请通过http://activereports.grapecity.com与我们联系,我们很乐意为您解决问题。

Found the mistake I was doing.

Actually I had put licenses.licx file in the subdirectory of the project while it should be in the same directory of the project and so I was not generating its exe.licenses file and so did not work.

Once I changed the location of licx file it worked! Thanks!
